Dear Hate

Dear hate:

I am the antidote to your bigotry and racist rhetoric

I am the one who will fight against the odds

I am resistance and resilience,

I will be your worst nightmare.


I will empower future generations;

The ones who will tear down walls of separation

Those walls that divide us between them and us

I will help build bridges that connect us to equal opportunities.


In my veins runs the blood of great warriors,

Montezuma, Cuauhtémoc and Nezahualcóyotl will guide me to victory

I am the past, present and future;

I am the conscience of my people.

Author: Alejandro Castro-Ontiveros

I am currently enrolled in the Social Work graduate program at the University of Southern California, USC. I graduated from California State University, Northridge, and hold Bachelor degree in Sociology with a minor in Women's Studies. I am originally from Zacatecas, México residing in Los Angeles, CA. I am a feminist and an immigrant rights advocate! Feminism is an idea that isn't meant to destroy men, rather, its an idea that seeks the equality between men and women. My research interest include: sex and gender, immigration, culture, fashion, education, Latin American feminism, and recently I have developed a research interest in the life of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

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